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Other examples are found as part of the Netualizer controller distribution. They under the examples directory and include:

IoT Examples

  1. mDNS: Multicast DNS Support
  2. 6LoWPANSender: 6LoWPAN traffic generator
  3. WebOfThings: HTTP based IoT example with emulated sensors
  4. InternetOfThings: CoAP based IoT example with emulated sensors
  5. MQTTBroker: Regular MQTT broker
  6. MQTTSensor: Regualr MQTT sensor
  7. MQTTActuator: Regular MQTT actuator
  8. CoAPClient: Regular CoAP client
  9. CoAPServer: Regular CoAP server
  10. GPIOHTTP: GPIO I/O with HTTP transport
  11. CoAP-HTTP-Proxy: CoAP/HTTP Converter
  12. ADS1015CoAP: ADC ADS1015 readouts over CoAP
  13. BMP280CoAPSPI: SPI-connected BMP280 readouts over CoAP
  14. BMP280CoAPI2C: I2C-connected BMP280 readouts over CoAP
  15. CC2531CoAP: CoAP over IEEE 802.15.4
  16. NRF52840BLECoAP: BLE over IEEE 802.15.4
  17. LoRa: LoRa without IPv6 support
  18. LoRaIP: LoRa with IPv6 support
  19. AWSIoT: AWS IoT redaout processing
  20. BMP280-CoAP-AWS-I2c: I2C-connected BMP280 readouts over CoAP sent to AWS
  21. BMP280-CoAP-AWS-SPI: I2C-connected BMP280 readouts over CoAP sent to AWS
  22. BMP280-LoRa-AWS-I2c: I2C-connected BMP280 readouts over LoRa sent to AWS
  23. BMP280-LoRa-AWS-SPI: I2C-connected BMP280 readouts over LoRa sent to AWS
  24. LTE-M-CoAP-AWS: Emulated sensors with CoAP encoded readouts transmitted over LTE-M to AWS

RTC Examples

  1. IVR: An IVR system
  2. IVRQualityTest: An IVR system tester
  3. Player: Audio-only media player
  4. VideoPlayer: Video media player
  5. SipRegistrar: Traditional VoIP SIP registrar
  6. SimpleCaller: Basic VoIP caller
  7. TextToSpeech: Audio-only media player that plays text
  8. EVSTextToSpeech: Audio-only media player that plays text using the EVS codec
  9. Phone: Softphone

Miscellanous Examples

  1. WebServer: HTTP/HTTPs static server
  2. WebServer2: HTTP/HTTPs dynamic server
  3. TcpClient: Basic TCP client
  4. TelnetServer: Telnet server
  5. SNMPAgent: SNMP agent
  6. UdpServer: Basic UDP server
  7. TwoAgents: Two configurations on two different agents
more_examples.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/29 04:15 by vps