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Built-in Protocols

Netualizer Supports most common IoT and RTC Protocols:

  1. IEEE 802.15.4
  2. BLE
  3. NB-IoT
  4. LTE-M
  5. LoRa
  6. IEEE 802.11x
  7. Ethernet

Network/Adaptation Layers

  1. IPv4
  2. IPv6
  3. 6LoWPAN
  4. 6LoBTLE
  5. Router

Transport/Security Layers

  1. UDP
  2. TCP
  3. QUIC
  4. TLS
  5. DTLS

Session/Application Layers

  1. SIP
  2. RTP
  3. SRTP
  4. RTCP
  5. SRTCP
  6. CoAP
  7. MQTT
  8. HTTP

Emulation Layers

  1. IoT Sensor
  2. IoT Actuator
  3. Markov Impairments
  4. Network Impairments
  5. Network Capacity

I/O Layers

  1. SPI
  2. I2C
  3. UART
  4. GPIO
  5. Video
  6. Audio

Miscellaneous Layers

  1. Signal Detection
  2. Signal Generation
  3. AWS IoT Helper
  4. Azure IoT Helper
  5. BMP280 Temperature/Pressure Sensor Helper


Netualizer also supports plugins that enable end-user customization and layer creation. For example, layers can be created to support new protocols or to provide helpers that interact with new hardware sensors and actuators.

built-in_protocols_and_plugins.txt · Last modified: 2022/01/29 04:12 by vps