====== Requirements ====== Netualizer is multi-platform and multi-architecture. ===== Agents ===== OS Service Support: - Yocto - Linux - Windows - MacOS - Docker Container (No virtualization) - FreeRTOS (planned) - Bare-Metal (planned) Processor Support: - ARMv7 - ARMv8 - x86 - AMD64 - AVR (planned) Hardware I/Os: - I2C - SPI - UART - GPIO IoT Hardware Radios (for specific physical layers): - TI CC2531 (IEEE IEEE 802.15.4) - TI CC2540 (BLE) - TI CC2640 (BLE) - SIM7080g (NB-IoT and LTE-M) - RYLR896 (LoRa) - NRF52840 (BLE and IEEE 802.15.4) ===== Controllers ===== - Windows - Ubuntu - MacOS (planned)